HID high speed device and driverless.
The C51 virtual machine allows small application being executed onboard, therefor developers can move part of the functions to the dongle, and dongle will perform as a part of the application. Without the dongle, the application is incomplete. Even if software has been duplicated, it lacks core functions which are being protected in the dongle. The function-migration concept marks a new generation of software protection technique, which can provide absolute protection to applications.
High-speed driverless Human Interface Device (HID), equipped with built-in real time clock which functions independently of the main system clock.
Includes high-strength encryption algorithms such as RSA (512/1024/2048), DES, 3DES SHA-1MD5 and AES.
We offer complete customization options for to enable the ability of creating your very own Rockey dongle.
If you wish to request more detailed informations, specifications, quotations, or have any questions regarding FEITIAN C51 Virtual Machine Based Software Protection products, please feel free to contact us.