Multiple Authentication Methods

Powerful Credential Management System
Adaptive Authentication

MFA Methods:Cloudentify App / Push Notification / OTP / FIDO2 / Face Recognition / Fingerprint / QRcode Scanning

Fine Grained Authorization

Granular PermissionsAutomated, Intellectualized, Fine-Grained Authorization

Real-time Authority Adaptation based on: Inherited permission / Accessing IP / Accessing time / Geo-location


Comprehensive Audit & Logs
Streamline Compliance with Audit Trail

De-centralized log storage / Statistical diagram / Risk perception

Identity and access management platform with unified Identification, Authentication, Authorization and Auditing.

FFEITIAN IDaaS Application Ecosystem

FEITIAN IDaaS has pre-integrated with many applications, with the support of SAML2.0, OIDC, OAuth2 and many other identity federation standards, FEITIAN IDaaS let users access all their applications with one set of credentials.